Sheffield Police seem to be under the impression that they can leave their vehicles in mandatory cycle contraflow lanes even though they have a car park across the road.
The people on the front line (receptionists, policemen) seem to think that I’m wasting their time complaining. I was made to feel like an idiot and that I was in the wrong for asking the vehicles to be moved to their car park.
Well, they’re mistaken, we’re not playing games anymore, parking in this cycle lane opposite their own car park is no longer acceptable and has been condemned by SYP management with assurances given that it is not acceptable.
After I made my complaint I assume someone with some knowledge of the history got wind and asked for the vehicles to be moved immediately. 5 Minutes after being told that there was no where for the vehicles to park and it was necessary to block the cycle lane, the vans were moved into the police car park. A minor victory.
All photo’s on this post taken approximately 10:05 on 30th March 2013.

Not even anyone waiting in the vehicle

Moved into the police carpark after a complaint made at the station
5 replies on “Sheffield Police – Yes, they’re still at it!”
Good on you! The police, perhaps more than anybody else, need to show quite clearly that they aren’t above the law themselves.
I see that a lot of police officers have been looking at this post this morning (Fri 5th April). Hello! Please don’t park in the cycle lane!
Although I agree that cycle lanes should not be blocked by anyone you do need to add some balance to your webpage (unless this is just aimed at the Police).
By far and away the biggest transgressors are the Taxis which park in front of the Co-op. They block the cycle lanes multiple times per day, admittedly on occasion for short periods, but they do it day in day out.
So I would suggest, do some observation work and photo taking of the taxis and place a webpage up devoted to their misdemeanours, interestingly they do it all over Sheffield City Centre.
I always feel bad about writing posts that criticise the police however I felt that it was justified in this case.
I normally focus on the taxis who park in this lane, but when doing this I sometimes see the police parking in it too (it’s just that it is much less frequent).
If you’d like to read about the taxi’s then there is a good blog post here: http://www.mattturner.blog/the-ongoing-saga-of-sheffields-castle-street-cycle-lane/
I’ve made over 150 complaints about taxi’s to the licensing office…! I’m fairly sure that two drivers were suspended because I had evidence of them blocking the lane on many many occasions. I think the problem has got a lot better over the past 6 months since I’ve done this. I need to get back on the case and check that old habits haven’t returned!
Thanks for commenting,
Good work, Matt!