Sheffield Cycling Inquiry

The Sheffield Cycling Inquiry

P1050814.resizedThis will be the first in a series of posts about the Sheffield Cycling Inquiry held in 2013/14.

In 2013 CycleSheffield asked Sheffield City Council to hold a Cycling Inquiry which mirrored the process from the national All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Get Britain Cycling Inquiry. The aim was to

review what we are doing in Sheffield and what we can do better, in order to improve the opportunities for cycling

The final report is available here however I’ve started with a review of the process about how we’ve got here.

The Economic and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee started the inquiry based on some terms of reference.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Terms of Reference (MS Word/PDF)

In September 2013 the inquiry received reports about cycling from various parts of the council.

  • John Bann, Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services
  • Dawn Lockley, Health Improvement Principal, Place Public Health Team
  • Maria Duffy, Interim Head of Planning

A summary of the discussions is available on the web here.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Council Reports (PDF)

The inquiry asked for views from the public via a call for evidence via a webform or by writing in.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Call For Evidence (MS Word/PDF)

260 responses were received, they have been summarised and will be released in full in the future.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Written Evidence Summary (MS Word/PDF)

The council produced a document called “Cycling in Sheffield 2008 – 2013” which outlines the various projects that have/haven’t been done for cycling in Sheffield since 2008.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling in Sheffield 2008 – 2013 (PDF)

The inquiry asked for oral evidence from a group of people including Sustrans, IAM, CycleSheffield, Stagecoach and Supertram.

They discussed these three questions:

  • ‘How do we make people feel safer cycling on roads?’
  • ‘Do we need to integrate cycling with public transport?’
  • ‘How do we get more people to cycle in Sheffield?’

And the discussions are documented on the web here.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Oral Evidence Report (PDF)

In February draft recommendations were presented to the committee, who then presented them to Sheffield City Council Cabinet who have asked Leigh Bramall (Cabinet Member for Business, Skills & Development – Including transport) to provide a response in July 2014.

KEY DOCUMENT – Cycling Inquiry Final Report(PDF)

The recommendations were adopted in full by Leigh Bramall at a Cabinet Meeting in July 2014.

KEY DOCUMENT – Adoption of Cycling Inquiry Recommendations (PDF, web decision)

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