Cycling Inquiry Call for Evidence – MS Word

Cycling Inquiry Call for Evidence – MS Word

Cycling Inquiry Call for Evidence - MS Word

Economic and Environmental Wellbeing
Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee

Cycling Inquiry

Call for Evidence

Cycling more than doubled in Sheffield between 2000 and 2011

1. What specific actions have helped the city achieve this growth?

2. What specific barriers prevent people from cycling or from cycling more frequently?

3. What evidence is there from other large cities or towns (in the UK or abroad) on broadening and increasing participation in cycling, with a particular emphasis on improving the economic, health and environmental impacts?

4. What in your view are the top three actions that would broaden and increase cycling in Sheffield?

You are very welcome to submit existing documents as an appendix or links to websites that provide evidence. However, can you please limit a summary of your submission to a maximum of four sides of A4 that references the relevant part of an appendix or of a website that supports your submission.

The Committee will hear oral evidence at a public meeting on 11th December 2013 beginning at 4.30pm. Clearly not everyone who submits written evidence will be able to give oral evidence. However, the Committee may invite you to give oral evidence as well, so you may wish to pencil the date in your diary.

The Committee plans to publish all the responses received. If you do not want your response published can you please indicate this clearly and explain the reason why.

To submit evidence or for more information about the work of the Inquiry please contact Matthew Borland:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0114 2735065
Post: Equalities and Involvement Team
Town Hall
S1 2HH

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